Become a Volunteer & Complete Training
How do I volunteer?
Login to your SportsConnect account and find the volunteer role you want to sign up for through the volunteer tab.
Who needs to complete training?
Every single volunteer. If you are a coach, assistant coach, referee, team parent/manager or board member, you must be registered with our region
What needs to be done to be an official volunteer?
There are 4 courses every volunteer must complete - CDC Concussion, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, Safe Haven and SafeSport. A background check performed through Sterling must also be completed and returned. You should receive a link to complete your background check once you register as a volunteer.
Who needs to complete the CA State mandated fingerprinting?
Any individual who has direct contact with children 16 hours a month or 32 hours per year, which applies to most coaches, referees, team parents and board members who spend 2 or more hours on the field weekly. If you need to complete your fingerprinting, you can register and find a location nearest you through this link: Applicant Services - AYSO
Where can I find the required training?
When you volunteer as a coach, assistant coach, team parent, referee, you can find all this training on ETRAINU. Login to your account through our website, select the Volunteer tab, then click the button that says AYSOU. This will take you to a separate platform and automatically log you in.
On the menu on the left hand side, you will select Training Library. This will lead you to the Safe Haven courses, online coach courses and online referee courses.

All volunteers are required to complete the online courses for Safe Haven, CDC Concussion and Cardiac Arrest. This can all be found under Safe Haven. Select View Courses to complete the required training.